Three Tips to Transform Networking Fear to Networking Fun

Networking fear and anxiety typically come from inner pressure to perform during a networking event. Either you feel that you need to impress others in some way or that you need to do networking the correct way, or perhaps you think that you must get a certain amount of qualified leads every time you attend a networking event and this stresses you out and makes you feel apprehensive. Below are three tips to help you transform your networking events from something you are anxious about to something that is fun and enjoyable (and can also bring you business in the long run).

Tip 1: Focus on Making Friends Instead of Getting Clients 

People do business with people that they know, like, and trust which is in essence being a friend. If you jump too quickly to asking for someone’s business, they may feel like you are just trying to get something from them instead of truly caring about their well-being. When you focus your networking on making friends, you naturally can relax and enjoy the process of simply getting to know another human being instead of having to show up a certain way or say the right thing. Asking people about themselves is a great way of starting a friendship which could eventually lead to a new client or to a strong referral partner. Great questions to ask include,

  • “What are you passionate about?”
  • “What got you started in your current business?”
  • “Why do you love about what you do?”

Tip 2: Make Networking a Game Instead of a Goal

The attitude with which you approach any activity makes a huge difference in how you feel about doing the task. If you think of networking as a game instead of a goal that must be accomplished in a specific way to succeed, you take the pressure out of the experience and can more easily find the fun in it.  Here are three networking games you can try out.

The How Can I Help game:  Instead of looking for what you can get out of every interaction (which creates pressure and honestly is not that fun), look for opportunities to be of help to others. What can you do or share with others that would help them along? Is there someone to whom you could introduce this person that could benefit their business? Is there a book you could recommend to them? Do you have an idea for them that might help them out? Or could you simply be a friendly ear for them to run some new ideas by you? There are tons of opportunities out there to help people and playing the How Can I Help game can be rewarding. By doing this, you often create long lasting friendships that do sometimes turn into referrals or direct business, and best of all you get energized by helping others. And sometimes whomever you have helped will repay you back with a favor or idea of their own to support you on your path.

The Learning game. As you network, ask yourself, “What can I learn today about someone or something that will enlighten me and benefit me or someone I know?” This attitude naturally draws you in to conversations and makes you ask questions to better understand things and people which in turns results in creating more connection with others.

The Brighten Someone’s Day game. There’s often someone at a networking event that is on the outskirts of things. They may be quietly standing alone, seem a bit nervous, or appear a bit left out. Perhaps they are uncomfortable with the networking event, having a bad day, or shy by nature. If you notice someone who fits this category, start to play this game. Go over and introduce yourself with the sole thought of making them smile and feel more included. Then, if you know others at the event, introduce this person to them. This will for sure brighten this person’s day and make them feel like you are a friend. And best of all, playing this game will give you the warm feelings that comes from reaching out and giving a helping hand to others.

Tip 3: Bring in the Fun

What feels fun to you? What often makes something feel fun is feeling relaxed and at ease with others and that comes from speaking about things that bring you joy. I recommend that you add in the fun by asking questions that light up the person with whom you are networking which in turn may light you up. Here are some questions that you can ask and see how they may positively impact others and initiate a fun conversation.

– “What’s something fun you did last weekend?”

– “What’s the last good movie you saw?”

– “What’s one of your favorite hobbies?”

– “Do you have any fun travel plans coming up?”

Give these three tips a try and see how networking can gradually become more fun and less like a scary thing you have to do. As a life empowerment coach, I specialize in helping people overcome fears, negative self-talk, overwhelm, and procrastination that might be holding them back from networking or taking the next step in their businesses or lives. I would be happy to answer any questions you might have or give a free 60-minute intro coaching session with you to help you achieve more success. To meet with me, use this link to book your no pressure no obligation session:

I wish you the best and hope to have the opportunity to meet you at a networking event in the future and have some fun connecting with you.

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