The Power of Embracing Discomfort: 4 Steps to Personal Growth & Success

Are you discomfort-avoidant? If so, your ability to succeed at your goals may be in jeopardy. Discomfort is a necessity for growth and success. If you are not willing to face discomfort, you will stay stuck in the status quo and have challenges reaching your goals. This blog covers four powerful steps you can take to embrace discomfort so that you can achieve the kind of success you desire. 


4 Steps to Embrace Discomfort:
1. Become aware of your discomfort triggers.  

What are the things that make you feel uncomfortable that you may unconsciously or consciously want to avoid?  Becoming aware of what makes you feel uncomfortable is key to embracing discomfort.  Oftentimes, discomfort runs the show behind the scenes without you even being aware of it.  It subconsciously pushes you to make “safe” decisions that keep you from taking those leaps of faith necessary for success.

Some common discomfort triggers are the following:

  • Meeting new people.
  • Trying something new that you fear you will not be good at. 
  • Walking into a room full of strangers. 
  • Setting a boundary with someone.
  • Standing up for your needs or wants. 
  • Selling yourself or your business.

Right now, take a moment and make a list of what triggers discomfort in you.  This will help you be on the lookout for discomfort the next time these activities arise. 

2. Get comfortable with the feelings of discomfort.

Trying to avoid the “feelings” of discomfort is what keeps us stuck.  Get curious and explore how it feels when you get ready to do something uncomfortable.  Do you feel a little bit sick to your stomach? Do you feel a bit tense or nervous?  Do you imagine the worst? Do you get really tired or unmotivated?  Everyone has their unique response to discomfort triggers. For myself, I’ve noticed that discomfort shows up as nervous butterflies in my belly.  

Now ask yourself, is this feeling of discomfort really that bad?  Is this something that I can put up with for a short time in order to experience the kind of success and joy I desire.  The great news is this feeling often dissipates very quickly (in a matter of minutes). 

For example, I experienced a lot of discomfort walking into a room full of strangers when I was first learning to Salsa dance. Not only was I surrounded by people I did not know, but I was also about to make a potential fool of myself, and even possibly step on some toes (real ones!). Anyway, after about 10 minutes or so, I began to relax and the feelings of discomfort morphed into fun and laughter. I’ve found that this continues to be true no matter what new experience I embrace – the feelings of discomfort are short-lived! Knowing that they will quickly disappear helps me face them time and time again whether it is walking into a room full of strangers at a networking event or setting a strong boundary with a client. 

 3. Put discomfort in the backseat. 

Discomfort is a part of moving out of your comfort zone so it is natural and normal to experience.  What keeps you stuck though is when you allow it to be in the driver’s seat of your life. If you allow it to control the decisions you make, you will stay stuck.  If instead, you recognize its existence and put discomfort in the backseat. It can no longer call the shots and you can regain the necessary control needed to take action and step outside of your comfort zone on the road to success. So, the next time you feel those familiar feelings of discomfort arise, take a deep breath and visualize discomfort sitting in the back seat, and you in the driver’s seat of your life. 

To make this visualization easier, imagine how discomfort looks for you. Maybe it’s a dark blob, a scared child, a stern-faced adult, or a ghost-like creature. Whatever comes to you is perfect. For me, discomfort is a black misty energy.  Once you can see the discomfort in your mind’s eye, imagine that you put it behind you so that it is no longer leading the charge.  I suggest you do this right before you do the thing that brings you the most discomfort. 

4. Harness your Empowered Self.

There is a part of you that is much stronger than these feelings of discomfort. This is the part that, when in the driver’s seat, will help you navigate the challenges that may arise on your road to success. I call this your Empowered Self. The best way to harness your Empowered Self when moving out of a comfort zone and into the arms of discomfort is to repeat an affirmation out loud a few times.  The more you say your affirmation, the faster your Empowered Self will emerge and take control of your life. 

A good affirmation should start with the word “I” and give you an energetic lift or expansive feeling when you say it out loud.  It should also be short and easy to remember. Some good empowering affirmations are:

  • I’m powerful.
  • I’m unstoppable.
  • I’m strong and competent. 
  • I’m loved by all I meet. 
  • I’m loveable. 
  • I’m successful.

The best way to find your ideal affirmation is to say a few out loud and simply notice what you feel in your body.  If you feel expansive, energized, or exciting feelings, you’ve found an affirmation that works for you.

To summarize, discomfort is not something to be avoided but embraced as a necessary part of the journey toward success. It challenges you, fosters growth, and drives innovation. By pushing yourself beyond your comfort zone, you’ll learn, adapt, and ultimately achieve your goals. So, the next time you feel discomfort, remember that it’s a sign that you’re on the path to success. Embrace it by following the 4 steps outlined in this blog and watch your personal and professional life flourish.

The fastest way to embrace discomfort and achieve success is to get some support.  As a certified coach, I have a toolbox of techniques to help you shift your relationship to discomfort and embrace your Empowered Self. To learn more, sign up here for a free 60-minute life coaching session.  You will emerge from this session with concrete actionable steps you can take to get you moving forward out of your comfort zone into your success zone.

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