Break Free of Fear’s Grip: Pursue Your Passion with Confidence

Have you ever stayed in a job you hate because you’re too afraid to make a change? I’ll admit it. Fear can be paralyzing. It grips our minds, convincing us to stay in our comfort zone, even when that zone is anything but comfortable. We tell ourselves it’s safer to stay put, even if it […]

Experience More Success: Bust Free From Your No-go Zones

Frustrated at your lack of “discipline”? Ever find yourself breaking the promises you’ve made to do important things like making prospecting calls, reaching out to past clients, going to a networking event, writing a blog, working out at the gym, or making time for self-care? So why do you fail to do these things?  Is […]

How I Escaped My Box and Made My Dream Happen

Are you stuck in a box?  Most of us live in self-made boxes of limitation. The walls of our boxes are made up of long-held limiting beliefs that make up our identities.  “I’m a mother and thus I need to have a certain kind of job to support my family.” “If I leave this job, […]

The Power of Embracing Discomfort: 4 Steps to Personal Growth & Success

Are you discomfort-avoidant? If so, your ability to succeed at your goals may be in jeopardy. Discomfort is a necessity for growth and success. If you are not willing to face discomfort, you will stay stuck in the status quo and have challenges reaching your goals. This blog covers four powerful steps you can take […]

5 Ways Retreats Alleviate Burnout

Feeling like you are running on empty – physically and emotionally depleted?  Are you pushing yourself to just keep going when you really want to simply stop and relax? If this sounds familiar, you may be suffering from burnout.  More and more people are finding themselves in a place of exhaustion and burnout due to […]

The Nine Pitfalls of Divorce

When faced with the pain and grief of divorce, we may get caught up in unhealthy patterns and thoughts that hinder our ability to process out the grief and heal our hearts. Not everyone responds the same when hit with the challenge of divorce. There are nine pitfalls you can fall prey to which correspond […]

Three Reasons New Year’s Resolutions Fail Instead of Succeed

As we approach the end of the year, it’s time to start thinking about the new year.  Are you wanting to set some New Year’s resolutions or goals for 2023? Studies show that approximately 80% of all New Year’s Resolutions fail. The real question is why do so many people so fail to achieve the […]

Say Goodbye to “I am Not Good Enough”

You may be being stopped by “I’m not good enough” without even knowing it. In fact you may be hiding behind excuses like, “I don’t have time” or “I don’t have enough money.” This happened to me. For many years I would say to others, “I don’t have time to write a book.” This justified […]