How To Easily Discover Why You Are Procrastinating

All of us, at one time, or another fall prey to the dreaded “P” word – procrastination. Let’s get real here, many of us use this as a way of avoiding what is really going on. We say, “I’m just a procrastinator” and accept that this is simply the way life is. We procrastinate and then one day the thing we have been putting off doing might actually get done or NOT in many cases.

How many opportunities have you missed because you fell prey to procrastination and did not finish something that may have been the key to your success? Perhaps you never finished that book you started to write because it felt like too much, or you never finished the online degree you wanted (and you may only be one class short), or you have tons of great blog ideas for your business but seem to never get them written, so your business suffers from poor SEO.

I really get this challenge. I’ve been plagued with procrastination my entire life and it’s a thing I’m constantly working on. Yes, I have unfinished projects that are 80% done that I keep somehow not prioritizing and yes, there are many unwritten blogs bouncing around in my brain that have never seen the light of day.

So, why do we procrastinate? This has for decades been one of my number one questions. I’ve spent many years diving into this for both professional and personal reasons and I have discovered the following. There is not one reason we procrastinate. There are nine reasons why people procrastinate. One key cause of procrastination per Enneagram type. Yes, it’s my experience that the reason we procrastinate is linked to the core fear of your specific Enneagram type or, in other words, what your type is trying to avoid at all costs.

Let’s take the type one as an example, also known as the Perfectionist on the Enneagram. This type is always trying to be good and do the right thing and not be bad or do the wrong thing. Thus, if the “need to do it right” is holding you hostage, you are going to put off activities where you could mess up or do it the wrong way.

In essence, your procrastination is driven by a need to be perfect or right. And what’s super tricky is your mind may justify not doing these activities by thinking thoughts like “I simply don’t have time” or “I don’t know how to do it.” These are disguised excuses meant to cover up the truth of what is really going on.

So next time you find yourself procrastinating ask yourself this question, “What am I afraid of experiencing if I do this activity?” The first step is to get clear on the fear that is really stopping you and why this fear has such a grip on you. Knowing your Enneagram type and understanding the core fear of your type will help you quickly see the roots of procrastination. As an Enneagram coach, I can help you uncover your core Enneagram type and more importantly the fear that is stopping you from getting into action.

Secondly, once you uncover the fear, it’s important to figure out the key limiting beliefs that are making that fear stop you in your tracks. These limiting beliefs hold you hostage and keep you from acting on that which you desire or delay you from acting. You may do it, but you may waste days or even years procrastinating. Once you discover your limiting beliefs, then you have the opportunity to shift these into more positive affirming beliefs that will help you move forward towards your goals.

Get help stopping procrastination by uncovering your Enneagram type. Schedule a time here for a no-obligation chat about the Enneagram and how it might help you put an end to procrastination:

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