Unlocking Gratitude: 4 Practices to Free Yourself from Worry

Have you ever laid in bed at night tossing and turning because you are worried about something? I’ll admit it. My mind is prone to worrying. It seems to easily get started on the worry-path which leads to some sleepless nights. For instance, every time I have a plane flight booked for the wee hours of the morning, I barely get any sleep because I worry about not waking up (which has never happened to me).

Many of us think that somehow worrying about something will help make things better or ensure a positive outcome. How often has worrying about something really helped you? Most of the time worrying simply has a negative impact on our ability to relax and enjoy the present moment. And if you’re like me, most worrying occurs at night, which only leads to sleep deprivation and heightened anxiety the next morning.

Worrying is focusing on something that we don’t want to happen or don’t have. One of the best ways to counteract worry is to shift your state of mind to being grateful for what you do have. Focusing on gratitude helps you get out of the lack of energy mindset and into an abundance consciousness.

Gratitude, along with love, carries the highest vibrational frequency. According to work done by Bruce Danio, gratitude vibrates at 540 MHz while fear energies like worry or anxiety vibrate around 100 MHz. Thus, the more time you bathe in the energy of gratitude, the more your energy frequency will be elevated, and the healthier you will be and feel on all levels.

4 Practices to transform worry into gratitude:

1. Do a gratitude turnaround.
Write down what worries you. Then find what you can be grateful for with regards to what concerns you. For example, if you are worried about having less clients than last November, write down your gratitude for the clients you currently have. For example, “I’m so grateful for my newest client. She is such a joy to work with.”

2. State your gratitude out loud.
Say what you are grateful for out loud and with as much feeling as possible. This helps anchor the gratitude feelings into your body. For example, “I’m thankful that I have plenty of money to buy healthy food to nurture my body.”

3. Create a gratitude chain.
Instead of discussing what worries you when someone asks how you are doing. Create a gratitude chain by sharing your gratitude with someone else like a good friend or family member. Ask them what they are grateful for. This helps deepen your connection to these feelings and helps infuse them with the uplifting energy of gratitude.

4. Post gratitude reminders.
Create and post gratitude reminders around your home to get you to shift into gratitude whenever you start to worry. These are key since worrying is such an automatic response for most of us. An easy way to make a gratitude reminder is to write something you are grateful for on a post-it. Some recommended places to post these reminders are on your bathroom mirror, fridge, remote control, computer monitor, and bedroom clock. Or make a screensaver reminder for your phone.

As Thanksgiving approaches, take time to embrace the true meaning of this holiday which is to connect with and cultivate the energy of gratitude. In fact, many report that implementing these practices of gratitude help them get more inspired, feel more energized, be a more positive influence on others, and get into action on their dreams. Try it out and see how they transform your body, mind, and energy field. You may be truly amazed at the impact these gratitude practices have on your life.

I wish you and your family a happy and gratitude-filled Thanksgiving.

Want help shifting out of anxiety and worry, click here to get a free Coaching Session.

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