Three Reasons New Year’s Resolutions Fail Instead of Succeed

As we approach the end of the year, it’s time to start thinking about the new year.  Are you wanting to set some New Year’s resolutions or goals for 2023?

Studies show that approximately 80% of all New Year’s Resolutions fail. The real question is why do so many people so fail to achieve the goals and resolutions they set for themselves.

I believe that there are three key reasons why people fail to accomplish their goals.

Reason #1: Your goals are uninspiring, wish-washy, or unclear.

You have an idea of what you want to accomplish, but you are not very clear on what it will look like or feel like to achieve these goals. Thus, it remains a nebulous goal that does not inspire you or get you off the couch into action.

In order to accomplish a goal, it’s key that you have an inspiring vision of what your life will look like and feel like once this goal has been achieved. The more clarity you have, the faster you can manifest any goal. This clarity propels you forward and inspires you to get into action because you get in the core of your being how accomplishing goals will transform your life.  Also, clarity on your goals helps you define manageable and inspiring action steps you can take to make your goal a reality.

Reason #2:  You suffer from a negative mindset.

Negative thinking like “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t have enough time” keep you trapped in old habits that hold you back from accomplishing life-changing and inspiring goals.  Your thinking influences every step you take and if you doubt yourself or your abilities, you will most likely sabotage your best laid plans and never make them a reality.

CLEARING limiting thoughts and beliefs is the key to making your New Year’s goals a reality! Once you clear negative thoughts and reprogram yourself with empowering beliefs, you naturally feel inspired and become unstoppable towards making your goals a reality!

Reason #3: You lack an accountability structure and / or commitment routine.

38% of respondents in a 2021 survey said that not having support was the number one reason they failed to achieve their New Year’s goals. You may get off to a great start with regards one of your goals, and then something happens which stops you from moving forward like a distraction, obstacle, or new priority. Suddenly, you find yourself putting your original goal on the backburner where it grows dusty and may even die an untimely death.

The solution to making sure your goals don’t die due to distractions or obstacles is to create both an accountability structure and commitment routines. When someone else holds you accountable toward accomplishing something, they can remind you of your goal and your motivating vision to make this goal a reality. They can also help you overcome rough patches in the road.

Commitment routines are powerful when it comes to accomplishing your goals. A commitment routine means that you build into your life healthy patterns that help you stay in action when it comes to making your goals happen.

I’ve created a mini-workshop to help you overcome these three reasons New Year’s Resolution’s fail and ensure that you succeed at making your goals a glorious reality!  The Three C’s of Success Mini-Workshop addresses each of the three reasons people fail. Each evening is devoted to one of the C’s.  Session #1 will help you get CLARITY on and create inspiring goals, while session #2 will support you in CLEARING past negative programming, and session #3 will get you into action with the creation of COMMITMENT routines.

With the Three C’s of Success:  CLARITY, CLEARING, and COMMITMENT you can make your 2023 goals a glorious reality!

This mini workshop will take place live via zoom on three Monday evenings (January 9th, 16th, and 23rd) at 7pm Mountain.

And I’ve made it super affordable with early bird pricing of $67 if you sign up by December. 9th. Here’s a link to learn more:

I hope you can join us. It’s going to be very powerful!


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