Say Goodbye to “I am Not Good Enough”

You may be being stopped by “I’m not good enough” without even knowing it. In fact you may be hiding behind excuses like, “I don’t have time” or “I don’t have enough money.”

This happened to me. For many years I would say to others, “I don’t have time to write a book.” This justified me not taking action so I got to stay stuck in my comfort zone.
When in reality, I could have found time to write a book as witnessed by the fact that I did write one in just a few months’ time when I changed my mindset.

What was really stopping me was a semi-hidden, “I’m not good enough” mindset. I didn’t consciously think this thought about writing a book, yet I let this mindset sabotage me. I stayed stuck in overwhelm and blaming lack of time instead of acknowledging what was really happening to me.

The good news is that once I saw how this “I’m not good enough” mindset was actually running the show, I was able to focus my energy on shifting out of this negative pattern and eventually overcome this painful mindset. Thanks to this, I did succeed at writing a book that became an Amazon best-seller and I had fun doing it. Writing this book gave me many gifts including the proof that I was good enough to write a book which stopped this negative mindset in its tracks in this area of my life.

Where in your life might this “I Am Not Good Enough” mindset be stopping you?

Here are 4 steps to take to say Good-bye to the “I’m Not Good Enough” mindset:

1. Figure out the seed experience that created this belief.
When did you start believing you were not good enough to do something? Often times, something happened that somehow ignited this belief. For instance, I figured out that this belief was coming from a few negative experiences in college where a teacher repeatedly told me I was a terrible writer.

2. Clear negative energy created by this belief.
Negative beliefs create negative feelings in the body such as anger, fear, or sadness. These feelings get stored over time and must be released in order to fully clear the negative belief that are causing them. One way to do this is to do what I call Emotional Release Journaling. This involves thinking about the particular area where you don’t feel good enough and writing all of the negative thoughts and feelings that come to you. Write without stopping like a stream of consciousness. Don’t let your pen stop moving. When you have emptied out, do NOT reread this. Instead simply burn or tear it up and say out loud, “I let this go”. Contact me if you would like to learn other ways of letting go of negative energy.

3. Reprogram In An Empowering Belief
What do you want to believe instead about yourself? How about, “I’m powerful” or “I’m unstoppable”? Choose a new empowering belief and say it at least 5 times out loud daily. The more you say it, the faster you will reprogram yourself.

4. Get Proof Of Your Amazingness
Make a list of all of your successes so that your mind can see how amazing you truly are. Whenever you doubt yourself, read this list and think about how you are naturally powerful, strong, and successful. Keep adding to this list as you create more success in your life. Even small successes are important to put on this list!

The more you continue to affirm your innate power and natural ability to be successful, the more you will belief this. If you get stuck, I would be happy to help you. I’ve helped many transform negative beliefs and feel more empowered. Sign up here for a chat:

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